Stephen Lyons
- freelance researcher -

Home TV Programmes Biographical Historical Genealogy Military Talks


Over recent years I have given my talks to Military,
Family History, U3A Groups and Retired Persons Societies in the South Wales area.

130th (St John) Field Ambulance

This is a 50 minute history of the 130th's service in World War One. It uses over a hundred illustrations and is a very personal look at the men who were the stretcher bearers at the Battle of Mametz Wood, their hardships, fun, humour and sports.

The Greenmeadow Burial Ground

This talk is an unravelling of the myths and inaccuracies surrounding the victims of the 1860 Black Vein Colliery disaster. It examines the records and misinformation to set the record straight.

Gareth Hughes - The First Welsh Film Star

A 50 minute talk which is a biographical revelation of the life of this man who was a theatre and silent film star in America before becoming a missionary to the Paiute Indians in Nevada.